Thursday, 14 June 2012

SVN on Eclipse Indigo

There's 2 SVN clients for eclipse, namely Subversive and Subclipse. Having choosed Subclipse I tried to install it from the update site: and I found my self with to SVN providers (2 SVN repository perspectives, ...). I had then to remove 2 plugins from my eclipse installation:

And since I'm on x64 architecture I also installed SlikSVN 1.6.17 from 
If you are on win32, the SVNKit is enough.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

PDE Build @dot

By default PDE build stores temporary build files into the included plugins, in a directory called @dot.
To avoid this set the property 'buildTempFolder' e.g. buildTempFolder=${buildDirectory}.

Git push vs commit

If you ask this question, then you need a nice summary of the different operations: